Намудҳои моҳии аквариум


Pecoltia, scientific name Peckoltia oligospila, belongs to the family Loricariidae (Mail catfish). The fish is named after the German botanist and pharmacist Gustavo Pekkolt, who published a book about the Brazilian flora and fauna of the Amazon region in the early 19th century. This type of catfish is quite widespread in the amateur aquarium, due to its color, ease of maintenance and good compatibility with other freshwater fish.


Муҳити зист

It comes from South America from the Tocantins River basin in the Brazilian state of Para. Catfish is found everywhere in various biotopes from swampy reservoirs to flowing sections of rivers. Keeps in the bottom layer, hiding among the snags.

Маълумоти мухтасар:

  • Ҳаҷми аквариум - аз 100 литр.
  • Ҳарорат - 24-30 ° C
  • Арзиши рН - 5.5-7.5
  • сахтии об - 1-15 dGH
  • Навъи субстрат - ҳама гуна
  • Равшанӣ - тобеъ
  • Оби шӯр - не
  • Ҳаракати об - сабук ё мӯътадил
  • Андозаи моҳӣ 9-10 см аст.
  • Хӯрок - ҳама гуна ғизои ғарқшуда
  • Мизоҷ - осоишта
  • Мундариҷа танҳо ё дар гурӯҳ


Adults reach a length of 9–10 cm. The catfish has a large, stocky body, especially in females. Males on their background look somewhat slimmer. The coloration consists of dark spots on a gray or yellowish background. The color depends on the specific region of origin of a particular population.


Omnivorous species. The diet should be varied and include dry, frozen and live foods, as well as fresh pieces of green vegetables and fruits. Important – the food should be sinking, the fish will not rise to the surface to feed.

Нигоҳдорӣ ва нигоҳубин, ташкили аквариум

The optimal size of the aquarium for one or two fish starts from 100 liters. The content is quite simple if Pekoltia is in the right environment for her. Favorable conditions are achieved when stable water conditions are established within an acceptable range of temperatures and hydrochemical parameters (pH and dGH), and in the design, the presence of places for shelters is of key importance. Otherwise, the catfish is completely undemanding and can adapt to different environments.

Maintaining high water quality largely depends on the regularity of aquarium maintenance procedures (partial water changes, waste disposal, etc.) and the smooth operation of equipment, primarily the filtration system.

Рафтор ва мутобиқат

Peaceful calm catfish, if it is in the company of species that live in the water column or near the surface. May compete (applies to males) with relatives or other bottom fish for bottom territory if the tank is not large enough.

Парвариш / зотпарварӣ

Breeding cases are not uncommon. With the onset of the mating season, males begin to jealously guard their territory and at the same time begin to actively court the female / females. When one of them is ready, the couple retires to a shelter to form masonry. At the end of spawning, the female swims away, and the male remains to protect and take care of the eggs. Parental instincts fade when fry appear.

Бемориҳои моҳӣ

Сабаби аксари бемориҳо шароити номувофиқи боздоштгоҳҳо мебошад. Ҷои зисти устувор калиди нигоҳдории бомуваффақият хоҳад буд. Дар сурати пайдо шудани аломатхои беморй, пеш аз хама, сифати обро санчидан лозим аст ва дар сурати ошкор шудани кафо-латхо барои ислохи вазъият чорахо дидан лозим аст. Агар нишонаҳо боқӣ монанд ё ҳатто бадтар шаванд, табобати тиббӣ талаб карда мешавад. Муфассалтар дар бораи аломатҳо ва табобат дар фасли бемориҳои моҳии аквариум хонед.

Дин ва мазҳаб